For every act of evil, there is an act of beauty. You Can't Change the World, Only Your Attitude Towards It.

Bloody Buddha

There were Buddha's previous to Buddhism. Hinduism and probably Vedism[*] carried the term Buddha as meaning one who is outside of and not requiring religion. One who is so right in themselves that the many tools offered in the multifaceted Vedas were not required.

That aside, the Buddha we all know of set us a problem in this new adaptation where Buddhism became a religion. He by being a Buddha made us all, like it or not, Buddhists. When one person becomes such a thing then everyone else defaults to not that. He also left some challenges behind that we have to get through to become Buddha and not Buddhist (secure in our self and not seeking).

So like it or not you are either a Buddha or a Buddhist. You have to solve the issues he left us or not. Everyone is a Buddhist to some degree and as that is measured in awareness then the worst ones don't even know it. And now for a quote that struck me recently;

"When I was a Buddhist my family and friends became so tired of me. Once I was a Buddha we were perfect together."

While being a Buddhist, especially when not in a culture of Buddhism, then you are a pain to be around. You ask all the toughest questions, won't let anything go, constantly trying to get your self right and asking others around you to do the same. "Hey mum why don't you try meditation" "Hey friend just let it go, why not read this book?".

But once you are a Buddha you let it all go, you are right, life is right, you have no intention to alter another as you know why they are who they are. Once you are at peace with yourself you don't rub people up the wrong way, or ask too much of them, you act right and all benefit.


*[I have an idea that the world of maybe 250,000 years ago was almost all land, the sea was far far less deep and the people of those times were very advanced (spiritually, and not in the way we may think of advanced in pointless plastic technology). I think that the seas rose so much as to bury that world and leave only remnants on very high ground, the tips of which are today's separate continents with separate yet related cultures. This is why the Tibetans are so unique on their plateau as they were always the high up spiritual meditators and India just happens to be the place that the knowledge was best preserved. It was at some kind of point where the race was split by the rising sea, but high in knowledge, than South America and Egypt got its highly advanced, similar yet separate, structures, writings and so on and the world now has tiny fractions of an incomplete puzzle sitting, separated by phobias, and spread over the land separated by seas.]

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao


Anonymous said...

Yes, I have experienced what you are speaking of. I think this Buddha way of being with other people comes from a loving respect of oneself that naturally always comes before the same love and respect for others. And encompasses an awareness of everyone's value. Which of course comes from awareness of my own value. At least that is my experience. Thank you for speaking about this.

donna said...

Yes, I agree. I notice lately people are friendlier to me, come up and comment randomly, approach me easily, etc. I wondered what had changed and realized finally that it was me not trying to change anyone else and accepting them as they are at the moment.

I don't worry what others think of me because I already accept myself. I am not perfect but don't expect others to be either. I'm constantly changing what I do or say to help others feel comfortable, though I no longer consciously do so. Or if I say something they don't like I don't worry about that either. It makes the world a very different experience!

Ta-Wan said...

Good! :-)

C. Om said...

Awesome post! Love the blog!


Mark London said...

Buddha taught no-self. And all self clinging is just more delusion, not Buddhism. I really don't agree with you assumption that all people are essentially Buddhists. I would have to say most people are not Buddhists. To be a Buddhist one merely has to learn and practice the teaching's of Buddha. Buddha-nature may be inherant to all living beings, but until one relinquishes the craving which leads to self-clinging this Buddha-nature remains obstructed.

Ta-Wan said...

Hi Twisted Branch:

My statement is that the "non-self" perfect state is that of a Buddha. Buddha was not a Buddhist, the "ist" as with the Tao"ist" is "a person connected to or doing" and there is not person or "ist" when self is lost.

Anyone looking to fix the situation is Buddhist. I just extended that blanket to those who are even unaware of the task in hand, so tied to self that they have not yet began to notice there is not one to be tied to.

Leon1234 said...

What a wonderful post, once again... LOVED IT!!!