Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao
Evolution doesn't care if feelings are true, just that they are good for us
In a recent post, "No, major religions don't provide a truer picture of
reality," I noted that evolution doesn't care about truth, just about
whether genes...
1 day ago
One person has come to me and asked to use this as a tattoo.
love the flow and feel of these - this one in particular...
what does this mean?
Balance and change.
The line follows the vague outline of the Tai Chi (Yin Yang) and the arrowheads give it the appearance of a Taoist "change diagram". The sun and moon are there to show balance in complementary opposites and the Aum (Om) sits on top again giving the same message as the other elements.
Oh, and the solid and broken lines on the outside edges are Gua lines.
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