For every act of evil, there is an act of beauty. You Can't Change the World, Only Your Attitude Towards It.

Hi from a completely new part of the universe

Hi! This post will appear automatically on the 22nd October 2009.

It is set to post automatically as I am away from posting for a short time.

Today I have just completed my 34th lap of the Sun so am at a completely new part of the universe - the view does look incredibly similar to the view before now, mostly things just seem a little smaller due to my being taller. I don't remember too much about my first few laps of the Sun but I have been lead to believe that the sky was still one of 3 colours, blue, grey or black and that ice cream was still best served cold.

So, apart from being 83 seconds older than when I began writing this post I am also one whole year older than I was a day ago.

As I don't like stuff I will be celebrating my birthday by going out and buying my wife something she likes.

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao


Leaf Dharma said...

Happy 34! Health & Happiness are the best gifts.

The Rambling Taoist said...

This comment will appear automatically on the 22nd October 2009. It is set to comment automatically as I am away from commenting for a short time as I celebrate other people's birthdays. :D

David "Shinzen" Nelson said...

Call your mother too...and say 'thanks'.

Happy Birthday!

Rizal Affif said...

Lovely... lovely...

Happy 34th year!