For every act of evil, there is an act of beauty. You Can't Change the World, Only Your Attitude Towards It.

Dharma and the distortion

A friend (internet friend I have never met) has made a movie which looks to be a powerful piece of work the full playlist is here.

and the movie can be downloaded as a full piece from here.

Take a look.


Aimed predominantly at a Christian west with a teaching for anyone open enough to listen it is still walking the balance of duality while saying the truth is within you.

Like all the best pointers to that truth it is always a little tainted by the way the metaphor and media are communicated but a good overall message assuming people are wise enough to get it.

Overall - "don't get trapped by this vs that, don't worship anything as that is giving you for no return and the truth is within and obvious, so don't look outside, to books or anywhere but inner truth."

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao


Leaf Dharma said...

Neat! Do you have this Internet friends email?

Ta-Wan said...

triplexity @ the well known serchengine mail begining with G dot com

as in gmail dot com

(that should sufficiency confuse any spam bots but hopefully not you)