For every act of evil, there is an act of beauty. You Can't Change the World, Only Your Attitude Towards It.

I salute you, your emptiness

Is it intuitive that when something is consumed by a black hole that the black hole is unchanged and the thing consumed is gone forever?

Yes? No?

Well my intuition says no and science says no also. In fact the black hole is now that fraction larger and the information of the consumed now exists as part of the outer horizon of the black hole.

And so it is with every person. They are not a collection of self and reason but emptiness surrounded by an outer shell giving off information of what they have absorbed.

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao

Universe is a giant mind

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Stab your own heart

The spiritual quest for happiness in every case creates or is caused by a stark division of mind and self.

An idea of wanting enlightenment, release, happiness, contentment is a terrible disjoint at the core of somebody's being. Where they are and where their mind says they should be otherwise are in stark contrast.

What a pain to have conflict so close at heart!

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao

Serious Quantum Physisists get philosophical

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Scientifically aligned with Tao

Beyond the level of constituent parts we see the properties of the whole. We don't look at a rock and see the qualities of its weightless constituents, we see the overall hardness, weight and texture of the macro rock. At the constituent level there is no idea of gravity but at the macro there is very much such an appearance. When we look at a person we don't look at atoms, compounds, proteins even, we look at the overall collection, the body. When we ride a train and expect in our minds that the way ahead is smooth then our body sways at the unforeseen effect of the curves and undulations in the track. These so called forces that sway us are not there for the atoms but on our scale they are there.

We can see (and it is very very apparent if you study the science of it) that where parts do not have qualities the bodies they make up do have qualities that emerge on that larger scale. We may see clearly that none of our own constituent parts have ideas of happiness or sadness and that these ideas come about only at the level we exist on. (that is idea1)

The universe is purely deterministic if viewed from the level of 3 spatial dimensions and time. There are parts of the universe which do not seem deterministic at all, for example at the quantum level where things appear in and out of existence. Our level of the universe is made from these smaller and apparently in-deterministic constituents and so people have worked hard to find how this may be. To save the lengthy discussion of how I'll simply put forward the conclusion that they have found that when viewed from their own set of dimensions and space there is perfectly normal determinism at play. Then we may see there is only a deterministic universe and no unknowns.

Given that the universe is purely deterministic then you have no choice but to accept that you don't do you. (that is idea2)

Both of the above ideas have very strong scientifically testable truth and so:

Idea1) At the small scale constituent level there is no happy or sad. These ideas come about at the macro level of the complete human being.
Idea2) An underlying world of determinism brings each and every person to be doing what they are doing and being where they are being at any time.

The world and your place and actions in it are entirely determined but on the gross level of the human a certain quality emerges that does not exist elsewhere. A kind of inner monologue that chases the event tries to decide if it likes what is going on or not. This voice though does not have any say on the world as the world is produced from parts, purely deterministic, that do not have this meta quality of seeing the events or the thoughts just after they happen and categorizing them.

A happy person is said to be one who is in a situation that their inner voice is content with that which is seen to going on around them - as at this time there is no conflict between what is happening and what "ought" to be happening.

So then is your inner voice determined too like the rest of the universe or can you move to alter to a way where you are always content no matter what the determined world offers you.

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao

Chuang is dead!

Upset about his death you must also be upset over his birth as the birth guaranteed nothing else so surely as death.

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Looking back to an unknown future

As I look forward I see the past. A telescope takes me to the deep past but even that before my naked eyed is the past. Gone already, can't be changed. The future wells up behind, from inside me. Unknown.

Seeing the future is unknown and that the past is already in front of me I sit here in the now. Now pure and real.

The only time apart from now, any time we may think of is only that, a thought. The not now.

Two times are know. Now and not now. No others. And only one can be said to have reality.

Any problems felt right now have nothing to do with now. They have been imported from the not now. Either the past or the future and we know we can have no effect on either.

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao

Einstein's Intuition

I was always interested in science and physics was my second favourite class at school. My dyslexia was discovered too late to be remedied and I was pushed by the condition away from maths (so also physics) and into design. Still my interest in physics remained.

I did not read much at all and the first time I really read a book I was 28 years old. I enjoyed this book and it lead me to read more. A late night conversation with a friend lead him to recommend The Tao of Physics to me as he said it would suit the way my mind worked. While the book was intended to educate spiritual people in science it had a reverse effect on me, it opened me up to Eastern Philosophy.

After a near 10 year love affair with Eastern Philosophy I found my interest being drawn back to physics and modern cosmology and just lately after becoming a bit of a YouTube science junky I hit across a new line of thought. That's a little wrong. I hit across many many new and wonderful lines of thought but one in particular resonated deeply with me.

In reading this latest book I've in the past week been enlightened more than in any equivalent week where I studied Eastern Philosophy. I've been educated, refreshed and awakened. The book has rekindled my love of the scientific method, encouraged me to stir small stagnating pools of my mind and return life to them. Where I had taken on ideas that didn't feel quite right in recent years but were the best I or others could offer I've now got genuine answers and where I had my own funny little theories here and there I now have a complete framework.

For anyone who thinks of themselves as scientifically inclined then I'd passionately recommend this book. The book though is not yet available and I've only been fortunate enough to read it as I expressed my interest to the author and so was sent an early draught copy.   

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao

Zero point appears as dimensional reality.

Matter itself is a distortion. Everything appears as it is but nothing is. There is a zero point and there is a perceiving of all that is.

Move and you don't. Weigh and you don't. Act and you don't.

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Our Little Galaxy

This is one of the best documentaries I've seen on the Milky Way.


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The blessed one

Blessed with stupidity he lived a life free from stress or worry.

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Explaining Tao

As we can never remove ourselves from Tao to see it, so we can never explain Tao

As we are Tao expressing itself, so everything we do explains Tao.

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao

No Big Bang No Creation No God

No Big Bang No Creation No God. Just an infinite dynamic universe that has always been.

No God, No Theoretical Science.

Theoretical Science disproved by Measurable, Experimental open minded Science.

Good stuff.

We just don't bloody know do we? Fascinating all the same.

More of the good stuff here Plasma Electric Universe

Tao Wow | Daily Cup of Tao