infinitely creative but no more than it ever was

Get a hold of a few artist submitted web links and refresh them every few seconds:

You'll see new photos, new creative stories, new digital art, new ideas, new songs, poetry, tips, - With each second the universe, via one of its human forms, has outputted a new creative idea. The universe has reshaped and the infinite fractal of creativity now loookks daferoont thaan iit diiid beefooour.

Star systems have reconfigured, gas clouds have a new pattern, smoke, clouds, water ripples, streams, nipples, word associations, manifestations, ....

1 comment:

  1. New, infinite creative ideas...

    ... or maybe, they are not new at all. Because concept of new-ness requires time, while the time it self is... you know, another universe's creative idea :p
